Lotus Notes 6

Getting a Digi-ID™

The first step in using S/MIME is to get a digital certificate or digital identification. A digital identification is a public/private key pair, a name, and a certificate that attests to the validity of the public key for this name. At Digi-Sign we refer to this complete package as a Digi-ID™.

For security reasons, you must follow the online instructions carefully. Do exactly as instructed and ensure all operations are carried out from the same computer for each user.

Using S/MIME with Domino

Domino R6 handles MIME (and therefore S/MIME) message content natively. There is nothing you have to do to enable S/MIME messages to pass through a Domino server.

Using S/MIME with general e-mail clients

If you are using all-Microsoft software and acquire a Digi-ID™ on that computer, your private key and public key certificate are automatically installed correctly. They become integrated with Internet Explorer and Outlook/Outlook Express and are automatically saved to the Microsoft Certificate Store. After acquiring the Digi-ID™, you can easily see it:

    1. In Windows, click the Start menu and choose Settings - Control Panel.
    2. Open Internet Options and click the Content tab.
    3. Click the Certificates button to see the list.

To use your Digi-ID™, just press the buttons for Sign (authenticate), or Encrypt (secret), or both, when composing an e-mail message. When you receive a signed message, you will see a symbol indicating this, near where the paperclip appears for attachments.

If you are using Netscape Messenger, Groupwise, or other e-mail software, the details for installing and using the Digi-ID™ may vary, but the general principles are the same. Visit Digi-Sign Support and look for the instructions Digi-ID™ / Digi-Mail™ Help.

Using S/MIME with Notes

For these instructions, I assume you already have installed a Digi-ID™ on a Windows computer using Internet Explorer and want to use that Digi-ID™ with Lotus Notes on the same computer. There are four general steps:

    1. Export the Digi-ID™ from Windows.
    2. Import the Digi-ID™ to your Notes ID file.
    3. Make sure this certificate will be used for Internet mail from Notes.
    4. Use the Digi-ID™ as you send and receive e-mail from Notes.

This is simpler than it sounds, since the first three steps only have to be done once.

If your situation is different- exporting on a non-Windows computer for example - the basic idea is still the same.

To import the Digi-ID™ to your Notes ID file:

If you have an Internet certificate that you have stored in a browser, such as Netscape, and you want to use that certificate in the Notes browser, you need to import the Internet certificate into your User ID.