Lotus Notes 6 (part II)

You cannot import invalid Internet certificates or incomplete certificate chains.

    1. Export the Internet certificate from the browser it is stored in, and save it to a directory that you can pick it up from later. If you have the ability to choose the export format, you should choose PKCS #12 format, which includes your Internet private key and any supporting Internet certificates in the certificate chain if available. You will not succeed at importing certificates into your User ID if the export does not include your Internet private key.

    2. Choose File - Security - User Security.
    Macintosh OS X users: Notes - Security - User Security.

    3. Click Your Identity - Your Certificates.

    4. Click Get Certificates - Import Internet Certificates on the right side of the dialog box.

    5. Select the file containing the Internet certificate that you just exported from the browser in the "Specify File Containing the Internet Certificates" dialog box, and then click Open.

    6. If prompted, select the format of the Internet certificate you are importing, and then click Continue. By default, Notes should select the correct format for you.

    7. If there is a password you set for the file, enter the password.

    8. To accept the import, click the "Accept All" button in the "Import Internet Certificates" dialog box.

    9. Check that your Internet certificates were imported into your User ID by choosing File - Security - User Security (Macintosh OS X users: Notes - Security - User Security), click Your Identity - Your Certificates, and then select "Your Internet Certificates" from the drop-down list.

    10. (Recommended) Make a backup copy of your User ID after you successfully import an Internet certificate (unless you are a roaming user with the specific configuration that does not require a backup User ID).

NOTE: Once you import the Internet certificate into your User ID, you may need to create a cross certificate if you do not already trust the Internet certificate.