Certificate for Internet mail from Notes:
To use the Digi-ID™ as you send and receive e-mail from Notes:
Keep in mind that to send an encrypted e-mail to someone who is not using Notes mail, you must have that person's public key certificate in your Domino Directory. The certificate, if present, is visible on the Certificates tab of the recipient's Person document under Internet Certificates. To get more detail about a particular certificate in a Person document:
If you want to send an encrypted message to someone using S/MIME and their Internet certificate is in their Person document in a Domino Directory to which you have access, no special steps are required. If you want to send an encrypted message to someone and you do not have their Internet certificate, ask that person to send you a signed e-mail message.
When you open the signed message, you will be prompted to cross certify. If you wish to establish trust with the certificate authority that issued their certificate in one simple step (in addition to trusting the user's certificate), you may select it from the Subject name list box. Confirmation that the message was signed will appear in the status bar. Then choose Tools - Add Sender to Address Book from the menu. The default action (on the Advanced tab) is to "Include x.509 certificates when encountered." When a Contact document is added to your personal address book, the sender's public key will be available to you and you will be able to encrypt messages to him or her.