Proving Identity & Authentication

PDF In the 'real world' passports and ID cards identify people, crests or symbols identify institutions like the police or a hospital and a seal or stamp authenticates a document.

Proving Online Identity & Authentication

In the online world, a Digital Certificate can be used to identify a person, an authority or device like a web site and/or an electronic file or piece of software.

The CA issues Digital Certificates. The purpose of the CA is to provide digital identities and/or to prove the authenticity of users, devices or files. The digital identities are proven by use of the Digital Certificates.

The Digital Certificate is the unique identifier that allows individuals and devices to be irrefutably linked to their actions, transactions and communications. In the case of an organization or corporate body, the Digi-SSL™ acts as a seal or crest of authenticity. For an individual, the Digital Certificate acts as the electronic equivalent of the passport or driver's license.

Another use for the Digital Certificate (also called an Electronic Signature) is for digitally signing electronic files and data just as a person’s signature or official seal is used to authenticate paper documents. This dual functionality of both identification and two factor authentication enables many different types of electronic transactions.

If you want to use the Internet as a tool to improve communications, reduce costs, to improve customer service and retention or to expand your market reach, then Digi-Sign’s products, services and solutions will help you.

These same offerings can be used in physical border control, building access, electronic signatures and any situation where truly knowing the other person/device is a necessity to securing the transaction.