In consideration of the payment of the Charges by You and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, We hereby grant a revocable, non-exclusive and non-transferable licence to You to use the Digi-CA™ systems and any related software supplied by Us in conjunction with the Services (the "Software") for the purposes of availing of the Services in accordance with this Agreement.
The licence granted in the top is subject to the following restrictions:
You shall not remove or alter of our copyright and other intellectual property rights notices included in the Software;
You shall not (except as otherwise expressly permitted by this Agreement or by applicable law) modify, adapt, translate, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer the Software in any manner and You shall not merge or integrate the Software into any other computer program or work, and shall not create derivative works of the Software unless it has received our prior written consent;
Subject always to any rights which You enjoy under applicable law and save as expressly provided in this Agreement, You shall not sub-licence, distribute, market, lease, sell, commercially exploit, loan or give away the Software;
You shall notify Us forthwith if You become aware of any of any unauthorised use of the Software by any third party; and
You shall adhere to any additional restrictions in relation to your use of the Software which We may notify to You from time to time.