During and after this Agreement, the parties will keep in confidence and use only for the purposes of this Agreement all Confidential Information. Confidential Information means information belonging or relating to the parties, their business or affairs, including without limitation, information relating to customers, finances, personal data, personnel and other material or information considered confidential and proprietary by the parties or which either party is otherwise informed is confidential or might or ought reasonably expect that the other party would regard as confidential or which is marked "Confidential".
Confidential Information does not include any information (i) which one party knew before the other party disclosed it to that party; (ii) which has become publicly known through no wrongful act of either party, or either parties’ employees or agents; or (iii) which either party developed independently, as evidenced by appropriate documentation; or (iv) which is required to be disclosed by law.
The parties will procure and ensure that each of its employees, agents, servants, sub-contractors and advisers will comply with the provisions contained in this clause.
This clause shall survive the termination of this Agreement.