The number of consumers who pay their bills online has grown phenomenally over the past decade with millions of people now enjoying the ability to pay their bills from the comfort of their home. There are a number of advantages to being able to do this ranging from not having to rely on the postal service to being able to pay your bills on the day they are due. Many companies are turning to single sign on authentication to help protect their customer's personal information.
Single Sign on Authentication Takes Many Forms
Any time that you use the Internet to perform a transaction that involves confidential information, the site you are using will use a digital certificate that can verify your identity. In order to do this they maintain a root certificate that compares your digital signature to the one that they have on file in their home database.
The Root Certificate is a Vital Part of Your Security
If you have been told that you should be using a PKI certificate on your web site and have no idea what it is, this may explain it for you. This certificate is used to validate your public cryptographic keys when the time comes for the public keys to be renewed. The PKI certificate is usually issued by the same Certificate Authority that issued you your digital certificate that allows you to merge your digital signature with a public key and where necessary a personal identifier such as your real name to prove you are who you say you are.
When you run an online retail store, it is up to you to provide the appropriate level of security for your customers. You must provide encryption services that will protect all of their personal and banking information from those who would attempt to steal this information. The best possible way to do this is to contract with a certification authority to provide you with complete SSL encryption for your web site.
The Certification Authority Provides You with a Digital Certificate
There was a time when the only way to complete a business deal was in person as everyone involved was required to physically sign the contract. If all parties could not be present the delays caused by sending the contract back and forth in the mail or via courier service could be costly and frustrating. Thanks to the Internet and the e signature, this is no longer an issue.
The E Signature is Perfectly Legal
When you have employees who work from home or other remote locations and they need to have access to your secured company network, you can set up a UK VPN or virtual private network that will allow them to do so without compromising the security of your network. This will allow them to have access to everything they need without making it possible for anyone else to breach your security and see what is in your database.
With a UK VPN Your Employees Can Be Anywhere
If you are like many big companies, you have a variety of people working for you that have access to both the software and the database in your network. The problem is that you do not really want everybody to have full access to everything but, setting everyone up with secure username/password combinations has proven to be useless as too many people are not careful enough with this information. Using an RSA token can help solve this problem and keep your system far more secure.
The RSA Token Offers Ease of Access with Excellent Security
If you are going to open an online retail business, you are going to expect your customers to pay using a credit card or a debit card; you may even choose to accept checks online or direct PayPal payment. No matter what form of payment you plan to accept, you will need a digital certificate issued by a Certificate Authority to provide your customers with proof that their personal and banking information is protected.
Shopping for Your Certificate Authority
As the owner of an online retail business, you are going to be collecting personal information from your customers. This information will include not only the personal contact information, but will also include their banking or credit card information and it is your job to keep it safe and secure. Today the most accepted method of doing this through the use of a digital certificate issued by a Certificate Authority.
The Digital Certificate Lets Your Customers Feel More Secure
The Sidebar [11] online services are designed specifically to meet the challenges assosciated with attorney/client privilege, specifically in the area of secure communications over the internet.