Consider this scenario; you operate a large research company with numerous locations. You have employees and vendors that travel between the different locations on a regular basis. Now each of these facilities not only uses secured access to enter the main facility, but different areas within. Since only a few of these people need regular access, you will find that using two factor authentication managed at server level can provide the appropriate access when needed and keep those out that are not authorized.
The Right Two Factor Authentication
If you look at the certificate authority industry, you will find that the average Legacy CA provider uses a Unix based system. When these systems were initially established, Unix was chosen because it offered very high levels of security and overall system wide integrity that no other system could provide. However, while the security was good, these systems where relatively inflexible, which is not very functional in this industry.
Our Digi-CA Certificate Authority Certificates Use the Latest Open Source Technology
There are in effect two different ways that we can deliver your new digital certificate to you. The first way is referred to as the "Package Method" and involves generating both the public key and the private key at the same time. These are then packaged and sent to the end user at the same time in a "package. Depending on the deployment environment, this is the simplest method of delivery.
The Process Method of Digital Certificate Delivery
If you are looking for an electronic signature provider, the most important thing to look for is whether or not the company you are planning to use is in full compliance with all of the appropriate laws, rules and regulations. In the United States for example we have to very well defined laws that explain what it takes to make an electronic signature legal.
The Laws Covering the Use of an Electronic Signature
When state and local governments are in the market for specific products or services, they put out requests for sealed bids. There was a time when the only type of bids they would accept were those that were typed up and signed in blue, black or blue/black ink. The signature was required to make the bid legal as per the appropriate laws, rules and regulations. Today, bidders are allowed to place their bids online using a digital signature.
The Digital Signature is Considered Legally Binding
When you run a secure facility that has a number of vendors who come in on a regular basis, you need to be able to give them access to your network, but only on a very limited basis. The last thing you want to do is give them a username and password that they can use over and over again as it can leave your network open to a major security breach. By using single sign on authentication, you can keep your network locked down very securely.
Single Sign On Keeps the Vendors Under Control
If you find that the time has come for you to use an extra level of security to protect your company's online processes, using PKI or Public Key Infrastructure can provide you with exactly what you are looking for. This system is typically issued by a Certificate Authority such as Digi-Sign and consists of two parts, the first is the public key and the second is the user's digital signature. Both parts of the security protocol must match in order for anyone to gain access to the secured information.
PKI Authentication Requires Separate Identifiers in Order to Grant Access
In order for an X 509 digital certificate issued by a certificate authority to be considered legally useful for business purposes, in must have what is known in the industry as non-repudiation. In essence non-repudiation is a form of deniability in that if the company that receives the certificate can show that the issuer is not operating with the appropriate laws, all transactions made using the certificate can be denied.
You Must Have Proof the CA Issuing Your X 509 Is In Full Compliance
When you run a secure facility such as a research center where you have personnel traveling between different branches, there are many times when they are not going to be able to carry a laptop or PC along with them. At the same time, you are going to have to provide them with access to the required files and software at each facility, which is where using 2FA in the form of an RSA token can be the best solution.
The 2FA Token Grants Appropriate Levels of Access
When your company has established a portal for its customers to pay their bills online, they need to know that your site offers the highest possible level of security. If you cannot provide this, they will not be willing to enter their personal information and make any kind of payment. The X 509 certificate or as it is more commonly referred the SSL certificate is considered to be the ultimate proof of your site's security and is something you can display on every page of your website to reassure your customers.
The X 509 Certificate Shows Your Customers You Care