Using single sign on methods can create network security concerns for organizations. This method of logging onto a local computer and connecting to a network, applications, and other resources only requires a single log in. The user simply enters their user name and password once, and can open and use everything they have access to, without having to enter it again.
Ways to Implement Security When Using Single Sign on Methods
In the past, when you needed to get signature approval on different documents, it could take days, or even weeks. You had to manually circulate the forms through inter-office mail for people in your location. When you needed a signature from someone working in a different office, you had to mail or fax the documents over and wait for them to be returned. Thanks to technology, you can now speed up the entire process by using a digital signatur.
Obtaining Signature Approving Using a Digital Signatur Solution
Technology has helped create time saving devices and work processes which took much longer in the past. Instead of having to spend your day running from one person to the next, you can send documents through email or post them online through a secure site. Authorized users just log onto the cloud work area and retrieve the documents they require, or detach them from the email message. In order to make sure your electronic work processes remain secure, you need to use a digital certificate.
A Digital Certificate Contains Different Types of Encrypted Information
An electronic signature, by itself, is not a secure signature. Even the document it is attached to cannot be authenticated, because of the lack of security. Anyone can create an electronic document and type in an e-signature. For example, if someone were to fill out an electronic payroll request form, they could easily type in the name of the person who is responsible to approve the request, without any security in place.
How You Can Make an Electronic Signature Secure
As more and more computing applications are moving to secure hosted locations online, you also need to increase your security measures. Instead of just allowing users to enter a user name and password, you need to add another layer of protection. One method used is two factor authentication. This is where you issue a digital certificate to those people you want to have access to your different online applications.
How Complicated Is Two Factor Authentication for Your Users?
Simply typing your name at the bottom of an electronic document does not mean it is a digital signature. The reason it is not considered this type of signature is because there is no security measure in place. Anyone else can open the document, change your signature, or modify the document. Using this type of signature adds a layer of security which prevents anyone from making changes to the document or altering your signature.
A Digital Signature Requires a Special Type of Digital Certificate
UK VPN is the abbreviation for United Kingdom Virtual Private Network. Some countries, including the United Kingdom, do not allow people from outside their country to access certain types of information. For example, you are not able to watch television programs from the UK in the United States over the internet directly. However, if you have a VPN connection to the UK, then your computer will appear like it is located in the UK and allow you to watch their television programs.
UK VPN Allows You to Access Data When Outside the UK
There are different ways in which companies can provide additional layers of security and protection to their computer networks and computer systems. This added protection is often found on network services, intranets, extranets and the internet. One method your organization may use is called an RSA token. This is where you may need an actual device, like a USB flash drive, to gain access. Sometimes organizations can use electronic versions of tokens instead of requiring physical devices.
How Does a RSA Token Work When It Is On a USB Flash Drive?
When the internet was first made available for public use, it changed the way how people and businesses could communicate. It also opened doors for new opportunities, such as online shopping and social networking. One drawback was that the internet was a public forum, with no security measures in place. This meant anyone could see anything online. This quickly changed, as companies began using their own security measures, including using a digital certificate.
A Digital Certificate Will Contain Encrypted Information
A certificate authority system is the application which is responsible for creating digital certificates. Once the certificates have been created, the administrator of the system can send email messages to those people who need a CA. The email message often contains a link right to the CA log in, where they enter information to gain access. Once their information is verified, they are issued their digital certificates.
You Can Apply Directly to Your Certificate Authority to Get a Digital Certificate