There are different types of certificate authority system solutions available for your business organization. One option is to use managed CA systems. This is where your CA is offered as a service, instead of being installed at your location. Whenever you need to issue a digital certificate, you access the managed service. Another option is to use CA software. This is where the software is installed locally onto one of your own servers. Whenever you need to issue a digital certificate, you just connect to your in-house network CA system.
There are all different types of information which can be contained within a digital certificate. One type of optional information some organizations include is a digital signature. This type of signature is used when organizations want to make sure that documents electronically signed are truly authentic. The digital signature is encrypted and requires using the appropriate keys to validate the signature. This helps to prevent altering and modifying documents once they have been signed or attempting to sign documents without the proper authority.
A digital certificate can contain all different types of information depending on the organization, which created the certificate. Some of this information is common and included with all certificates. Other types of information may be left out, when it is not needed or being used. For example, some organizations may set an expiration date for the certificate, while other organizations, may decide that their certificates should never expire.
Two Types of Keys Can Be Used with a Digital Certificate
There are all different types of information contained within a digital certificate. How this information is organized and connected together will depend on the format being used. One format, which is commonly used, is called X509. This format is an internationally recognized standard which is used by many different types of businesses and organizations.
Digital Certificates Following the X509 Format Will Have Similar Layouts
You can create your own electronic signature and apply it to all sorts of documents and email messages. The thing to remember with this type of signature is that it is not a secure signature. Anyone can copy and paste your e-signature into a new document or email message. While it does add a level of professionalism to your documents and emails, it is not the best solution when working with important documents, which need to be signed and authenticated.
Important Business Documents Require a Digital Signature Not an Electronic Signature
Just like X509 is the standard used to create digital certificate, PKI is the standard used to create digital signatures. Digital signatures are contained within digital certificates. So, when you are creating digital signatures, you can be following both types of standards. Most organizations will choose to use these standards for simplicity. However, other organizations may decide to deviate from these standards, which can lead to compatibility issues down the road.
PKI Standards and X509 Standards Are Followed When Creating Digital Signatures
An X509 certificate is the basis for standardization found within digital certificates. The reason organizations will use this standardization format is to allow for simplification of certificate creation processes. It also allows for different organizations to share digital certificates and not have to worry about compatibility issues. Since each organization uses the same format, they can be assured that a certificate issued to the other organization with function and perform correctly to achieve the desire results.
An X509 Certificate Is Designed to Work across Multiple Applications
Single sign on can also be referred to as single factor authentication. This type of authentication only requires logging into different resources using a user name and password. In fact, it is often found that the same user name and password is used to access all resources. Using this type of authentication does provide some security, but is open to hacking.
Single Sign on Configurations Only Require Entering User Name and Password Once
There can be confusion for some people when discussing the difference between an electronic signature and a digital signatur. An electronic signature is just that, an electronic signature, which is used to sign different types of documents, emails and electronic forms. However, in most cases the user either has the signature stored as a template or just types in their name where the signature is required. This is not a secure method, which needs to be pointed out. The only way to make your electronic signature secure is to convert it into a secure format.
2FA or two factor authentication provides a second layer of security when accessing all different types of applications in different environments. The types of environments which can use two factor authentication include web based applications, cloud computing, SaaS environments, corporate extranets, and virtual private networks. When users attempt to access these types of environments, they are challenged for a second type of authentication.
Users Are Not Granted Access When They Have the Wrong 2FA