Two factor authentication is a special process which helps increase security and prevent hacking. This type of authentication requires two specific pieces from your users. First, they will need the appropriate digital certificate or token key to gain access to your protect resources. After this certificate, or key, has been verified, they will then be asked to provide the appropriate user ID and password.
You Can Add Two Factor Authentication to Single Sign on Methods
Using an e signature eliminates having to type your signature into emails, documents and other files every single time. Instead, you just apply the signature, using different methods. For instance, you may have your email set up as a template, so that all new messages and replies will automatically insert your signature, either immediately or when the message is sent.
An E Signature May Be Attached Using an External Process
A certificate authority is required when you want to create and distribute digital certificates and digital signatures. You have different options for gaining access to this type of system. Some organizations outsource this process to a trusted third party. This method is where the third party creates, distributes and manages certificates on behalf of the company. Other organizations may prefer to purchase their own system and manage the processes in-house.
A Certificate Authority System Can Be Offered as a Service
An RSA token is special type of authentication used by some organizations. This method stores a digital certificate on a portable device, which the user keeps with them at all times. This method is popular in cases where high security measures are required, such as government agencies, banks and healthcare operations. Without the token key, the user is unable to access or connect to corporate resources.
Use an RSA Token in Call Centers and Other Operations Where Computers Are Shared
Some organizations will attempt to simplify log on processes by using single sign on authentication. This process allows users to only have to remember a single user ID and password, rather than multiple IDs and passwords. However, one issue with this method is the lowered amount of security in protecting your corporate resources. Even when using this authentication method, there are things you can do to improve your security.
You Can Convert from Single Sign on to Two Factor Authentication
When using an electronic signature, you have different options available to improve your security. You could switch these types of signatures over to digital signatures. If you choose this option, you will need to create a new digital certificate for every user in your organization. You will also need to manage the digital certificates on a regular basis to perform such tasks as adding and removing employees with valid certificates.
SSL Is another Option for Increasing Security on an Electronic Signature
When you want to implement a digital signature solution for your organization, you have different options available. You could complete the process yourself, internally, by using your own certificate authority system. Another option is to outsource the process to a trusted third party, like us, under Total Trust Management (TTM). You can use TTM to allow us to act as your administrator of your signatures, and take care of issuing and managing them.
You Have Control over Approving Digital Signature Requests
A digital certificate can be used for a variety of different purposes and reasons. You can use this type of certificate as a method of two factor authentication. This type of authentication contains encrypted data within the certificate. When users attempt to log into different systems, resources or applications, they are challenged for the appropriate certificate. Once the correct certificate has been supplied, the user is then allowed to enter their user ID and password.
A Digital Signature Is One Application for a Digital Certificate
Anyone who has ever had their user ID and password hacked knows the problems this can create. Not only does it create problems for the user, but also anyone the user may deal with on a regular basis. The reason their account was hacked is often the result of weak security methods. Organizations can take steps to increase security and protect their users, by looking into different solutions, including 2FA.
Using 2FA Only Adds a Second Log-in Step for Your Users
Single sign on authentication is a method used by some organizations for users to gain access to different resources. This method involves only requiring users to enter their information a single time. After it is entered, their computer stores the data and uses it to authenticate with various resources and systems in the background, whenever they are opened or accessed.
One Advantage of Single Sign on Authentication Can Also Be a Drawback