The most common type of digital certificate, in use today, is built using the X509 certificate [1] standards. These standards make it much easier for organizations to share public certificates with other people and companies. Standardization allows for a single certificate to be compatible with multiple types of resources and systems. For example, you may have several types of modules which work together within a single program. Instead of requiring one certificate for each one, you may be able to use a single certificate for all of the modules.
The order of information contained in an X509 certificate is laid out in a specific manner. This means, if you were to look at a certificate created by one organization and compare it to one created by a different organization, the location of the data would be similar. Granted, actual entries in the data field would be different, such as the company information, date of creation and expiration dates. But the data would be contained at exactly the same location in both certificates.