Digi-Sign announces the formal agreement with BITS [1], for the provision of the Digi-Seal™ digital signature signing system and Digi-ID™ digital signatures using Digi-CA™. Read more. [2]
BITS provides network solutions, specialist web services, workflow systems and many innovative solutions to the public sector government and many enterprises throughout the Kingdom.
In selecting the Digi-CA™ system for provisioning, managing and customising the delivery of digital certificates, BITS has added the critical component of identity assurance and online security. When this is combined with the Digi-Seal™ online digital signature solution, organisations have the ability to transform many paper based processes into totally online systems with digital signature capability 'built in'. Any organisations forms and files can be digitally signed before being submitted to your organisation's online systems and using the Digi-Seal™ digital signing system.
With Digi-CA™,BITS can now issue any type of digital certificate within the Kingdom and this include Trusted SSL and client certificates; code signing certificates; PKI & CA services; and all supplied with the full support from the Digi-CAST™ team of Certificate Authority [CA] specialists.
[1] https://www.digi-sign.com/http
[2] https://www.digi-sign.com/arp/bits