Organizations Can Have Concerns About using a Digital Signature

Understanding whether a digital signature is secure is important, when replacing traditional authentication methods. You will want to make sure your organization is protected from security risks. Some general concerns you may have are how easily it is to alter signatures, or for unauthorized users to apply signatures. These are valid concerns, but organizations do not have to worry, when following various protocols which increase security.

Steps You Can Take to Increase Security of a Digital Signature

One common mistake organizations make is assuming that an electronic signature is the same as a digital signature. They are not the same thing, as anyone can access, apply and alter an electronic signature. A digital one, on the other hand, is encrypted and stored on the user’s computer. The only way to gain access to the signature is by using the person’s computer. Your organization can take other steps to increase security, like two-factor authentication and requiring users to lock workstations when away from their desk. Using these additional steps will help to lower the risks of someone walking in and using the person’s computer without their knowledge.