RSA Token Solutions Are Not Suited for Large Work Environments

The thing to remember with RSA token solutions is that they are harder to implement in large work environments. This is because every single employee with computer access needs their own token key. Employees also have to be responsible to carry their USB tokens with them. They also have to remember to never leave them plugged into their computer when away from their desk.

You Can Use Digi-Cards in Place of a RSA Token Solution

What can you do when you want to use a RSA token solution, but your organization is too big? One option available is to use Digi-Cards. Digi-Cards are credit card sized cards which contain the token information. One advantage to using this type of solution is that the Digi-Cards can also be used as physical employee ID cards. Since employees have to carry around their IDs with them at all times, they will always have their Digi-Card tokens with them, too.