Script Adherence

PDF The Key Ceremony is a formal procedure in which the CA is created. The security of the procedure must be auditable and evidentially. The ceremony script is the most important tool to ensure compliance with established security procedures. When each ceremony step is documented, witnessed and attested to, you have created your organization’s strongest proof against claims of non-compliance or security compromise. For this reason, the script must be followed exactly as it is written.

During the Key Ceremony, the script will be read aloud for each step. Reading the script aloud helps the ceremony participants follow along, but more importantly, it provides a verbal narrative to accompany the video recording of the event. As each step is completed, the section of the script for that step is initialed by the witnesses.

Important Note: Situations that cause temporarily digression from the script may arise. Any such digression must be thoroughly documented, so that these situations do not compromise the security of the process.

To properly document digressions, notations are made in the script that describe the problem, when it occurred, and what was done to fix the problem. The script is initialed by everyone in attendance.

If the ceremony is particularly long, the participants can take a break from the proceedings. If this occurs, the script has a notation added indicating the time of the break. Another notation indicating the time the proceedings resumed is also made in the script. During the entire break, two trusted employees must remain in the room. The videographers continue recording throughout the break.

Key Ceremony Events

Following the ceremony introduction, the scripted steps to create the CA begin. The script is followed exactly so that the witnesses can initial each and every step as it is performed. The following sub sections describe the ceremony activities that will be in the script:

            1.Initializing Event

            2.Generating Event

            3.Signing Event

            4.Distribution Event