The basic requirement for every Digi-CA™ Server installation is the same. As more sophisticated environments arise for Digi-CA™ Server Xp or Digi-CA™ Server Xg, the requirements increase accordingly.
Physical Environment
These are the minimum suitable conditions for the correct operation of the single server Digi-CA™ Server Xs:
Dry area with good ventilation or air-conditioning if possible
Secure room or computer cabinet with restricted, controlled and logged access
Broadband or leased line internet access
Power supply with optional backup power supply
Availability of IT Professional (MCSE or higher/other, on a part-time basis, 4-hour call-in contract will suffice) with good working knowledge of computers, networking and general knowledge of TCP/IP protocols)
Equipment Specification
These are the minimum equipment specification for the correct operation of the single server Digi-CA™ Server Xs:
Server: Dell®/Compaq [FreeBSD 5.4+ compatible]
Processor: Intel® Pentium® III family
Memory: 512MB RAM
Hard Drive: 15 GB SCSI/ATA
SCSI Controller (optional)
RAID Controller: RAID PERC 3/4/SC (optional)
100/10 MB Intel® Compatible Network Card
CD-RW/DVD 4x Combo
Software/Hardware Firewall (optional)
Digi-CA™ Server is supplied complete and ready for total install on the server. There is no requirement for any Operating System [OS] or pre-configuration, whatsoever. In fact, if the Server is not completely free of any OS or software, it must be formatted to return it to its ‘as manufactured’ state.
During the installation, the Digi-CA™ will use versions of the following software that will be hardened and modified by the Digi-CAST2™ Team during their installation work:
The above list is provided for information purposes only.
Installation Requirements
These are the minimum requirements for the correct installation of the single server Digi-CA™ Server Xs:
Hardware as per 3.12.6
FreeBSD 5.4+ installed
512Kbs network (via Internet) access to the server
VPN software installed and tested (optional)
VPN client software sent to Digi-CAST2™ (optional)