Server Xg Physical Environment

These are the minimum suitable conditions for the correct operation of the multiple server Digi-CA™ Server Xg:

        • Two dry areas with good ventilation or air-conditioning
        • Two secure rooms or computer cabinets with restricted, controlled and logged access
        • Multiple broadband and/or leased line internet access
        • Power supply with optional backup power supply
        • Availability of IT Professional (MCSE or higher/other on a part-time basis, 4-hour call-in contract will suffice) with good working knowledge of computers, networking and general knowledge of TCP/IP protocols

Server Xp Equipment Specification

These are the minimum equipment specification for the correct operation of the dual server Digi-CA™ Server Xp are the same as the specifications for Digi-CA™ Server Xs will be hardened and modified by the Digi-CAST2™ Team during their installation work.

Server Xp Network Configuration

The minimum requirements for the correct installation of the Digi-CA™ Server Xg are the same as those for Digi-CA™ Server Xs and/or Digi-CA™ Server Xp , Digi-CA™ Server Xg can be installed on any Unix or Linux platform once it is compiled in advance. The Digi-CAST1™ Team will advise you on the best Operating System [OS] for your environment.