The type of Digi-CA™ Server you choose for your environment will dictate what information you need to install it and if you will need assistance from the Digi-CAST2™ Installations Team.
The basic requirements for installing any Digi-CA™ Server are very similar and the four main components are detailed for each case:
Before proceeding with any installation of Digi-CA™, it is strongly recommended that a thorough study of the download Digi-CA™ Manual Manual is undertaken. Ultimately, Digi-CA™ is software, however, all Certificate Authorities need careful planning and decision making by informed personnel if the project is to be a success.
Careful consideration should also be given to using the Digi-CAST1™ professional services and from the advice received whether it is recommended that Digi-CAST2™ Installation Team support.
Digi-CA™ Server Xs is Managed CA for installation on a single server and comes complete with all the different sub-systems designed to run and operate efficiently on that single machine.
The basic Digi-CA™ Server Xs software is supplied on a DVD, or as a downloadable binary file inside a .zip file from the website. Subject to ordering and purchasing, the version of Digi-CA™ Server Xs you receive may be modified to meet your specific requirements. These modifications will result in a different install sequence in some cases. To ensure the installation instructions are compatible with the customized version of your Digi-CA™ software, the specific installation guide is included in the software delivered. Once received, install it by using the ‘Digi-CA Install Guide.doc’ supplied with the specific software on the DVD, or in the .zip file.
If a secure VPN connection to the single server can be provided, it is possible that the installation of the software can be carried out virtually by the Digi-CAST2™ Installation Team if required. The benefit of this is that it reduces the cost of travel and accommodation. When examining each of the following four sub sections you can consult with the Digi-CAST2™ Installations Team, at any time, to check configurations and access for you.