Digi-CA™ System Architecture

PDF The Digi-CA™ PKI System software suite is a multi application component based PKI system for managing cryptographic keys, Digital [X.509] Certificates and supplemental PKI related services. Each application component provides a series of defined functionalities to other PKI application components of the system, as well as to administering and operating parties, and to end entities, to whom certificates are issued. This system is built with the following modules:

    a. CA Application Server [CA AS]

    b. Cryptographic Service Provider [CSP]

    c. Time-Stamp Gateway Server [TSA]

    d. Online Certificate Status Protocol Gateway Server [OCSP]

    e. CA Administration Management Console [CA AMC]

    f. Registration Authority [RA] Management Console [RA MC]

    g. Registration Authority [RA] Registration Service [RA RS]

All Digi-CA™ components providing core functionalities were developed using C programming language and the software operates under Unix/Linux operating system environment, which has proven to be a solid, reliable – and if not the best - platform family choice for server side applications.

Diagram below illustrates the overall logical and high level hardware architecture design of a complex PKI infrastructure that Digi-CA™ can be deployed in. This includes multi-server based system component distribution, replication and failover of various PKI services and load balancing.