Replacing CA

Replacing an Existing CA

If you are trying to migrate an existing environment from another Legacy CA Authority to Digi-CA™, there is a ready-to-go solution that works independently from the Legacy CA. The customer can provide the information manually, or use migration engines provided by the Digi-CAST™ team.

This is how it works:

The information provided by the customer is loaded into the Digi-CA™ system using the Digi-CA™ Control Centre;

Based on the information provided, the Digi-CA™ will send expiry reminder emails according to the expiry reminder policy and each email will contain a unique URL for the certificate renewal.

For client certificate migration, once the user enters the certificate renewal screen using the URL provided in the email, they will be prompted by the system to prove their identity using their existing/old certificate. If the old user certificate details match the pre-configured Digi-CA™ system data, the user will be allowed to renew their certificate.

For SSL certificates, the Digi-CA™ is preconfigured in the same way as for client certificates except that it doesn’t require the old certificates to be present. All that is needed is the expiry date so that the replacement occurs seamlessly.

This is the highly effective method used to replace older and more costly Legacy CA systems.

‘Fast Track’ Your Requirements

The success or failure of any project can normally be traced back to the start, where bad planning will be found. This poor initial planning will either be as a result of bad management and leadership and to a lesser extent, the selection of technically inexperienced personnel. That is why Digi-Sign insists that no matter how many 'issues' the project encounters en route, if it is properly planned initially, it will succeed.

Understanding Online Security

If you want to use the internet as a tool to improve communications, take advantage of on demand cloud computing, reduce costs, improve customer service and retention, or to expand your market reach, then Digi-Sign’s products, services and solutions will help you secure these environments.

These same offerings can be used in physical border control, building access, electronic signatures and any situation where truly knowing the other person/device is a necessity to securing the transaction.