When the time comes to look for a digital signature provider for your business, there are a number of things you should be looking for; one of the most important capabilities you should be looking for is one that offers multiple application support. When your company only uses one or two applications most digital signature services will work, on the other hand if you are using a large number of applications and the provider you choose must be able to work with all of them.
We Offer Complete Digital Signature Services
When your employees have to use a number of different programs that all require them to create and use a new username and password for each application, you will find that your staff ends up wasting an incredible amount of time trying to remember all of the various usernames and passwords needed to log into them all. Using single sign on authentication can reduce this wasted time significantly.
Using Single Sign On Reduces Log-Ins to a One Time Affair Each Day
Whether your company uses an internal network that is connected to the Internet, security should always be your chief concern. Whether you are locking down your website, attempting to secure your database or restricting personnel access to software and data, your security must always be at the pinnacle of performance at all times. Many companies are switching to using a PKI certificate as the best way to grant their employees access to the appropriate levels of their network.
The PKI Certificate Use 2FA to Provide Better Security
Picture this; you are sitting in your local coffee shop using their Wi Fi and your laptop to pay your bills. It all seems so easy; you enter your bank account log in information and start paying your bills. Nothing could be easier right? Right, but at same time as you are logging in and paying your bills, that guy sitting a few tables away could be stealing all of your banking and credit card info if your bank does not have an X 509 digital certificate in place.
The X 509 Provides Full SSL Encryption Security
When you have multiple levels of employees who all use the same internal network and database, but have different secured access levels, it can be very challenging to provide them all with the appropriate levels of access. It gets even harder when they travel between offices or even worse between divisions. 2FA is designed to make it much easier for you to provide each employee with fast secure access to your databases on a need to know basis.
With 2FA Your Employees Need More Than Just a Username and Password
In the last few years more companies are switching over to using SSL security for all of their online transactions as the use of the X 509 certificate has been found to provide a much higher level of security when compared to the older SSH security protocols that were in use. SSL protocols not only require a key as the SSH protocol did, they also require further information about the owner of the certificate to ensure complete protection.
The X 509 Certificate Is Issued by a Certificate Authority
Single sign on authentication or SSO can be used to make it easy for a person the ability to sign into multiple applications located within the same network using a single user name / password combination. While this can be a very useful process, as with any secured log in that only requires a simple user name / password combination to grant access and is a relatively insecure in the greater scheme of things.
Using a Digital Certificate to Make Single Sign on Authentication More Secure
If you have never had to worry about computer or online security, you may not have heard of PKI certificate, let alone know what one is and what it does. This certificate is issued by a Certificate Authority and is used to validate your public cryptographic keys when the time comes for the public keys to be renewed. It allows you to merge your digital signature with a public key and where necessary a personal identifier such as your real name.
Your PKI Certificate Must Be Issued by a Legitimate Certificate Authority
You will find that most Legacy Certification Authority providers are UNIX based and the core technology being used is over ten years old. When they were introduced, UNIX was used as it provided the high level of security that was required at the time. The only problem was that to get this level of security you had to put up with a system that was relatively inflexible.
Our Digi Certification Authority Uses Open Source and Linux
As a bank that has just started providing your customers with access to full service online banking, it is your job to provide them with the highest possible level of security for their accounts at all times. Given the high risk that exists in conducting any kind of business transaction online, you cannot afford to use anything less than the public key cryptography that is available from a Certificate Authority.
Public Key Cryptography Requires Two Halves of the Code