Global HR Company & SSL

Digi-SSL™ Service Global Management

PDF One of the world’s largest human resource companies required an SSL management system that could meet their global requirement. In purchasing centrally, they wanted to be sure that the savings made were not lost through inter-company billing and administrative issues.

As one of the world’s largest human resource companies in the world, Mercer employs more than 15,000 individuals in 40 countries around the world. Each country has one or more web servers that require Secure Socket Layer [SSL] web server protection. Mercer had been using the ‘world leader’ in SSL supply but could not get the SSL management solution they required to accurately meet the global requirement.

In approaching Digi-Sign, Mercer came to understand that managing SSLs in quantity requires a sophisticated solution capable of meeting all their requirements.

Central Service, Local Control

      An organization like Mercer understands the technical aspects of SSL. Their principle issue was that there was no real centralized process for purchasing SSLs and attempts to implement one would result in more costs than savings. They were seeking a solution that would permit the economics of ‘bulk purchase’ to be retained whilst also implementing a method of controlling SSL consumption.

Digi-SSL Service™ Flexibility

      In learning about Mercer’s total global requirement and also understanding internal procedures for IT requisitioning and purchasing, Digi-SSL™ Service was customized to meet Mercer’s precise requirements. In addition, the entire solution was designed, activated and continues to be managed for less than the cost of the previous supplier.

A simple order, approve, request and deliver flow diagram was designed. Each SSL request would be entered through the Control Centre by any of Mercer’s approved Administrators. This request automatically requested a Manager’s approval and only once this approval was received would the SSL request be processed by the Digi-SSL™ system.

Digi-SSL Service™ Workflow


      This workflow and management solution has resulted in a significant improvement in SSL usage and purchasing for all the companies in the group.