Availability of Fully Functional EV SSL

On behalf of the Board of Digi-Sign, The Certificate Corporation [Digi-Sign], the following General Release Document is being published as a direct reaction to recent 'information' regarding the availability of High Assurance / Extended Validation [EV] Secure Socket Layer [SSL] Certificates. This document states clearly and unequivocally, that as of this date, it is impossible for any organisation to confirm when EV SSLs will be available.

The Certificate Authority Forum, founded by the Comodo Group in 2005 has many IT industry leaders as Forum Subscribers (Microsoft, VeriSign, etc). By association, Digi-Sign is a member and contributor to this forum and can quote directly from the Chairman of the Forum who states,

"...technically, EV SSLs can be issued now, but the whole purpose of EV SSLs is not to address technical issues but validation and authentication".

So technically, Digi-Sign can issue EV SSLs today but until the Forum comes to a formal decision, the important Validations issue remains unresolved.

Any organisation that is claiming they have the ability to issue EV SSLs and/or are committing to delivery dates can only be doing so to mislead the market for commercial gain. This practice is reprehensible and this type of practice will be raised at the Forum meeting with a view to expelling the party(s) responsible or severely penalising them. This has the affect of undermining the industry that is attempting to harmonise security for the common good and Digi-Sign holds in contempt any such organisation that would thwart this initiative for short tem gains.

The Board is resolute in dealing with perpetrators of these types of 'guerilla sales' tactics and would ask the public at large to act responsibly and report any such incidences using our Complaints Form.