Another benefit of having the CSG™ inside your network is that you can use the web interface to monitor all of the servers in your environment from the CSG™.
The AACD™ Control Centre displays details on the status of each SSL and is colour coded depending on the status of the SSL.
This status note indicates that the specific hostname has an SSL that is under management and that the DSSA™ has already generated the CSR and send it to the CA requesting a new SSL, in advance of the expiry date of the current active SSL.
This status note indicates CSR has been successfully transmitted to, and accepted by, the CA and that the DSSA™ is periodically checking with the CA so that once the CA issues the SSL, the DSSA™ can collect it.
This indicates that the SSL is not under management by the DSSA™ and has been allowed to expire by the Administrator that was manually managing it.
Important Note: This list does not provide a list of all the SSLs on your network, it is only for notifying you of SSLs that are at critical points in their life cycle. To see all the SSLs on your network, use the SSL Network scanning reports (see sub section Error! Reference source not found.)