Depending on the selection made in ‘Current SSL Vendor’ in Form 2 of 3 (see sub section, the DSSA™ will either be a chargeable item or if you are purchasing Digi-SSL™ Certificates, the DSSA™ software is supplied ‘free of charge’.
Important Note: In the event that your current vendor does not support DSSA™, with their co-operation, we can implement DSSA™ for you but this may take some time. Alternatively, you can opt to purchase Digi-SSL™.
Unless you already have an account with Digi-Sign or wish to request an account because the value of the order is more than you wish to pay by credit card (see sub section, the default option is to pay by credit card.
This is a typical credit card payment form with the usual fields you would expect to see on this type of form. Due to EU Tax Regulations, when selecting your country, if you select a country that is a member of the EU, an additional field will appear where you must enter a valid EU VAT number.
If you already have an account with Digi-Sign or wish to request an account because the value of the order is more than you wish to pay by credit card, then select the ‘Pay by Purchase Order’ option on the default form. This will then cause the form to change as follows:
Simply enter a valid Purchase Order number for your organisation and if your country is in the EU, enter your VAT number to complete the process.