The Complete 2X Programme

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Overview of the complete 2X Digi-Sign Programme

PDF 2X is now an official member of the Digi-Sign Affiliates, Resellers & Partners [ARP] Network. The agreement means that all 2X Distributors and Resellers are automatically members of our ARP Network.

2X & Digi-Sign recognise the considerable benefits that this agreement will bring to both organisations and most importantly, the benefits that it will bring to you. Learn more about the ARP Network below:

1. What is the Digi-Sign ARP Network
1.1 Primary sales channel & excellent products   Digi-Sign’s primary sales channel is through the Affiliate, Reseller & Partner [ARP] Network and our systems and solutions are at the cutting edge of the Public Key Infrastructure [PKI] and Certificate Authority [CA] market.  As a 2X partner you can now leverage this technology into your sales cycle
1.2 Integrated and/or resold   Our security and identity technology is widely adopted and is an integral component of many different software and infrastructure solutions. For enhanced security, Digi-Access™ offers two factor authentication that integrates seamlessly with the 2X Application Server
2. The Benefits of ARP Membership
2.1 You are valued & your opinions respected   ARP Network membership has many unique benefits. Principally, your organisation is treated as a valued and respected member of our extended organisation
2.2 2X discounts apply   As a 2X partner selling Digi-Access™ certificates to your customers, your 2X partner discount rate will apply
3. How to Join the ARP Network
3.1 Membership approved   As a 2X partner, you are automatically an official member of the ARP Network. However, you will need to complete the following Digi-Access™ Certificate Request form to gain access to the ARP Extranet
3.2 Begin selling immediately   The ARP Extranet is a secure area where you can get quotations and place orders. Once you have access to the ARP Extranet, you can effectively begin selling immediately
4. Why You Should Sell Digi-Sign Systems & Solutions
4.1 Easy sale & considerable
  Digi-Access™ is a simple and highly effective security addition to the 2X Application Server. It is easy to sell and brings considerable security benefits to your customers Read more
4.2 Easy to implement  

Ordering, activating, customer setup and even support, are all simple to do

4.3 Recurring
  The revenue you get from each sale is recurring annual revenue for as long as the customer continues to use it. Digi-Access™ customers rarely change to alternative technologies and remain loyal to you for many years
5. Selling Guidelines & Selling Options
5.1 SSL Number
Order Value
  The revenue generated is based on the number of Digi-SSL™ certificates your customer purchases. The more servers in your customer’s organisation, the higher the revenue you earn
5.2 User Number
Order Value
  The revenue generated is based on the number of Digi-Access™ certificates your customer purchases. The more users in your customer’s organisation, the higher the revenue you earn
5.3 Total outsource value ‘Add-on’   Above 1,000 users, you can sell the additional Total Trust Management™ [TTM™] service where Digi-Sign will manage the entire environment for your customers
6. Using the Online Demonstrations
6.1 Excellent sales tool   A live and interactive demonstration of Digi-Access™ available to you and your customers. This is an excellent tool that will assist you in the sales process
6.2 When used properly   All demonstration screens and supporting documentation are designed to ensure you use them properly. So always refer to the online help and/or supporting documents before using them
6.3 Tidy up afterwards   Every time you use this demonstration, you will generate a demo’ certificate that should be removed from your computer afterwards. It is good practice to do this every time you complete the demonstration
7. Ordering Instructions
7.1 Simple
Digi-SSL™ ordering
  As an ARP member, you will be provided with a Digi-SSL™ Service certificate management system that can be used to order and receive all your Digi-SSL™ certificates in a matter of minutes
7.2 Simple
Digi-Access™ ordering
  Once you have completed the Digi-Access™ Certificate Request form, you will be supplied with your unique Digi-Access™ certificate that must be used to access the 2X Digi-Access™ ordering system
7.3 Complete orders with due care   When placing any order for your customer, every field on the order form has a help button to ensure you complete the order correctly. Ensure you follow these instructions carefully
7.4 Order delays   For security reasons, before any Digi-Sign system can be delivered, the customer’s details must be validated and verified. Incorrectly entered details will result in orders being delayed, postponed indefinitely, or even cancelled
8. How a typical Digi-Sign System is Provisioned
8.1 Configured by us   After a successfully completed order is validated and verified, Digi-Sign Production will issue, configure and deploy the system
8.2 You are notified   Using your predefined reseller email address, the Administrator of the system and the reseller email address will receive an email notification of the system’s activation
8.3 Checked by you   It is your responsibility to check that the system Administrator is satisfied that the system is active, that they can access it and that they understand how to operate the system
9. Customer Setup Instructions
9.1 Read customer user guides too   In addition to ARP Network guidelines, instructions and help files, there are also User Guides for your customers. To help complete your knowledge, you should review these too
9.2 Customer configuration   The customer will need to configure the 2X Application Server and must also install the Digi-Access™ Error 403 pages. You must clearly instruct them what they must do and/or assist them
10. Terms & Conditions of Supply
10.1 Apply to all sales   The standard 2X terms and conditions of supply apply to all Digi-Access™ sales, however provided, to all customers and end users
11. Invoicing & Payments
11.1 Electronic invoices & reminders   Digi-Sign does not operate a manual debtors reminder service. Invoices are issued electronically by email. Reminder emails are sent periodically to advise you of outstanding accounts
11.2 Paid on time   Payment of all outstanding amounts on, or before, their due date, as clearly marked on every invoice, is required
11.3 Or service disconnected   Failure to pay outstanding amounts owing on invoices, on or before their due date may result in service to your customers being disconnected and/or discontinued without warning
12. How to Get Support
12.1 Website   Your first source for support, help and assistance should always be the official Digi-Sign website:
12.2 Distributor   If you purchase Digi-Access™ from a distributor and cannot find a solution to your issue, then contact your distributor
12.3 Digi-Sign   Digi-Sign's secondary support channel, after the website, is the ARP Network and support will be supplied through this channel only