What you must to get a Digi-Access™ Certificate

How to get your 2X Digi-Access™ Certificate

There are three simple steps to get your 2X Digi-Access™ certificate and these are as follows:

1. You will be invited to enrol for your 2X Digi-Access™ certificate using a simple on line form

You must complete this form using the following details:

2.Once the enrolment form is completes and submitted, your request will be confirmed

3. After some time, you will then receive an email confirming that your application has been approved. In this email there will be a unique URL that you must use to confirm and complete the process. Clicking on this URL will open the confirmation page in your default browser.

Important Note:- You must use the same browser for this final step as you used in Step 1, the first step of this process. If you use a different browser, you will not get your Digi-Access™. SO ensure you use the same browser.

Follow the on screen instructions to complete the process.

Now that the process is completed you can go to the 2X Portal Login page.